Shortcut Keys for Google Doc Spreadsheet on Chrome, Firefox

While in Google Docs if you forget some of the keyboard shortcuts that help make working in a document more efficient, hold down the Command key and then quickly strike the forward slash. But the number of keyboard shortcut keys in Google Spreadsheet is limited. One benefit is that lots of Keyboard shortcuts have similar functionality in both Excel and Google Spreadsheet. These are the Google docs shortcuts you should start getting comfortable with because they can really save you time. You can see a full list of keyboard shortcuts here, or simply type Ctrl / (? / on a Mac) to open the shortcut help.

Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert time
Ctrl + ;
Insert date
Ctrl + Enter
Fill range
Ctrl + D
Fill down
Ctrl + R
Fill right
Shift + F2
Insert/edit note
Ctrl + K
Insert link
Shift +Tab
Decrease paragraph indentation
Ctrl + Alt + M
Insert/edit comment
Increase paragraph indentation
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl +X, Ctrl +C, Ctrl +V
Cut, Copy, Paste
Absolute/relative references
Ctrl + Shift + K
Input tools on/off
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K
Select input tools
Move to start of row
Ctrl + Home
Move to beginning of sheet
Move to end of row
Ctrl + End
Move to end of sheet
Ctrl + Backspace
Scroll to active cell
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Move to next sheet
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Move to previous sheet
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Find and replace
Ctrl + Shift + \
Show context menu
Alt + F
File Menu
Alt + E
Edit Menu
Alt + V
View Menu
Alt + I
Insert Menu
Alt + O
Format Menu
Alt + D
Data Menu
Alt + M
Form Menu
Alt + T
Tools Menu
Alt + H
Help Menu
Alt + A
Accessibility Menu
Alt + Shift + K
Show sheet list
Alt + Shift + S
Display sheet menu
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + I
Alt + Shift + 5
Ctrl + Shift + E
Align center
Ctrl + Shift + L
Align left
Ctrl + Shift + R
Align right
Alt + Shift + 1
Apply top border
Alt + Shift + 2
Apply right border
Alt + Shift + 3
Apply bottom border
Alt + Shift + 4
Apply left border
Alt + Shift + 6
Remove borders
Alt + Shift + 7
Apply outer border
Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as decimal
Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as time
Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as date
Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as currency
Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as percentage
Ctrl + Shift + 6
Format as exponent
Ctrl + Space
Select column
Shift + Space
Select row
Ctrl +Shift + End/Ctrl +Shift+ Home
Extend selection to end / to beginning of document
Shift+ Arrow Right/ Shift + Arrow Left
Extend selection one character to the right / to the left
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right/Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left
Extend selection one word to the right / to the left
Shift + Page Down/ Shift + Page Up
Extend selection one screen down / one screen up
Shift + Arrow Down/ Shift + Arrow Up
Extend selection one line down / one line up
Ctrl + A
Select all
Ctrl + Shift + 8
Select active region
Screen Reader
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Read column
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R
Read row
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Insert array formula
Shift + F11
Add new sheet
File Commands
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + `
Show all formulas
Ctrl + Shift + F
Compact controls
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M
Move to top of application
Shift + Esc
Alt + Enter
Open hyperlink
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G
Arrow Left/Arrow Right
Jump one character to the left / to the right
Alt + Shift + Q
Focus quick sum
Jump to the end of a line / beginning of a line
Arrow Down/Arrow Up
Jump one line down / one line down
Page Down/Page Up
Jump one screen down/ one screen up
Ctrl +End/Ctrl +Home
Jump to end / to beginning of document
Ctrl + Alt + E then Ctrl + Alt + P
Focus hyperlink bubble
Ctrl + Alt + F then Ctrl + Alt + P
Open filter drop-down menu
Shift + F1
Open documentation (new window)
Ctrl + /
Show shortcuts help popup
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Enable screen reader support


  1. Very very thanks for nice article..

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